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Am I a Good Fit?

Exploring your options is the first step in making any change. There are a few key things we emphasize to our applicants to help them figure out whether or not a career in the skilled trades or transportation industry is for them.

There are specific qualifications and attributes we outline for potential applicants to consider while they’re thinking about applying to our programs. As a starting point, to get a better understanding of whether or not this career path is a fit for you, ask yourself:

● Do I have a passion for learning, do I have strong work ethic and show personal initiative?

● Am I physically fit? Would I be able to lift 35lbs on any given day?

● Am I comfortable in working at some heights and/or in confined spaces?

● Am I able to work long hours in all weather conditions?

● Do I have sustainable childcare options to support long working hours?

● Am I able to do basic math?

If you’ve answered yes to most of these questions, we would encourage you to consider applying to one of our programs.

For a full program listing of upcoming programs, visit here.